"I expect to pass through this world but once.Any good therefore that i can do,or any kindness that i can show to any fellow creature,let me do it now.Let me not defer or neglect it,for i shall not pass this way again" Anonymous

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Well today i got this email,well it had the same stupid ending and starting too that if u send this to this much people u will get lucky and will have a good life.All crap!!But apart from all that the email had some good lessons in it so this time i forwarded it.Cuz i thought the message in it was very interesting and useful.I hope u people find it good too.
so here its what the message was in it..I have commented after each point (in the brackets.)

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.(i think it brings more happiness in life)

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.(true..thats wat the elders say!).

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.(Oh yes!!but no! to spending all:P,it seems good but not practical)

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it( well thats right!Shud neva fool the other )

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.(cuz eyes are the door to the heart)

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.(i guess its right i am not experienced yet:P but seems right)

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.(well love at first sight is not alwayz true love in my opinion)

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much. (well that is so true,cuz dreams are the first step towards ur success)

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. (well i guess its true,no experience in it yet:P, anybody has an experience plz tell)

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.(yes!!!)


Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well i have been pretty busy the whole week.HAd a lot to study.I have to even now but cant let my blog go stale:P
Anywayz apart from being busy,the whole week was a bit unpleasant.Well being a very sensitive person,i get pretty upset when i see injustice,dishonesty,selfishness,hatred and envy in people.I mean i think everyone shud live in harmony and peace.caring abt each other.
When i was a kid i used to think that the world ,the people are so good.Life is beautiful.Everything is great,nothing is bad,But as i am growing up,i realise the people have so much malice and evil,yes evil in them.Not all but many.I know there is goodness in the world but thee ppl just destroy it!I mean people are dishonest,they hate each other,they envy each other.And some people can even do the worst things to get what they want!!anything can be expected frm them.I dont get how ppl can be so wicked!!
Well, an when ppl are so bad,slowly i beleive it is reflected on their faces.Well i have seen ppl like tht!!And their actions are even worse.I know these kinds of ppl are evrywhere in the world and everyone encounters such ppl maybe on daily basis:(

Well i know these ppl are eveerywhere in the world.All i have to do is get over all my sensitivity and start accepting the realities,cuz otherwise all i am going to be a sad person.Which i dont wanna be.You cant really isolate yourself frm evryone,u have to be among them(!social animal:P)all u can do is TRY NOT TO BE LIKE THEM!!

Well when i was going through all this sad mood i figured out a reallly nice way to get outta of glommy and depressing mood.WEll it works for me!!and i am glad i found something like tht,u see when u have to live life happily and with high spirits u always find a way out of ur problems.Cuz thts wat life is all about hoping and staying positive!Well i will blog about pretty soon!!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Umm well too lazy to write about anything else so i today i will write one of the poem tht i like.Well its a very meaningful poem,if u think about it!!


Awake!for the morning in the bowl of night
Has flung the stone that puts the stars to flight:
And lo! the hunter of the east has caught
The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light

The worldly Hope men set their heart uopn
Turns ashes.or it prospers ;and anon
Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty face
Lighting a little Hour or two-is gone

There was a door to which i found no key;
There was a veil past which i could not see:
Some little Talk awhile Me and Thee
There seem'd - and then no more Thee and Me .

The moving finger writes ;and having writ,
Moves on:nor all thy piety not wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.

Yet Ah,that Spring shluld vanish with the Rose!
That Youth 's sweet -scented manuscript sholud close!
The nightingale that in the branches sang,
Ah whence,and wither flown again,who knows!

Edward FitzGerald.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Alright i got this test from Raheel's blog.Strange test but not tht bad results guess!!hehhe.I am 30%weird !yikes!nahi!!, and my inner child is surprised.Hmm well thts new to me.lolz.And one more thing did u notice my pet in my blog that i have adopted,cute isnt it!!heheh.WEll u can feed him too.Now thts weird!!lolz.

You Are 30% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself.

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Things currently coming to my mind!!

1.Well i feel sad for the separation of only two celebrity couples(a)Jennifer Aniston and Brat pitt
(b)nick and jessica simpson.

2.I am sooo happy tht mao is back.I love u mao.Who mao?well mao is my CAT.He was gone for more than a week.
3.Yesterday i went to my dentist.He is an Indian.But very good dentist!!Well when i went to his clinic yesterday we were waiting in the waiting room.the Tv was on and a malvari movie was on.WEll the movie was extremely pathetic.I literally felt like switching off the tv but someone else was sitting there and watching too.WEll in the movie there were two people ,both looked like some kind of wizards and both were laughing like villans,so cudn't figure out who was the villain and who was the hero.horrible picturization and as a whole the movie was unbearable.WEll i saw for 5 mins then the dentist called me.Thank GOD.

4.well i am kinda sick right now sore throat,runny nose and a headache!!!grrrr.

5.Well i made the lunch today cuz my mum was busy.Well she gave me the recipe and gave the instructions how to do it.Well the food turned out to be good.:)!!Khair its fun to cook once in a while.Although i like baking.Its fun!!
6.There is this eye infection going around here and the doctors have said to avoid wearing contact lens.hmm well ok!!
7.Salman khan is here in UAE,did a concert in Emirates palace yesterday

What is wrong with me??!!well these are the random thoughts coming to my mind rite now.Basically i am talking abt everything and nothing.:P lolz.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Well someone said this,I dont know who did!!
But someone very smart must have said it.
Cuz all this is so true!!
So i thought i shud share it with everyone.:)
So what are we planting!!!:)

If you plant honesty, You will reap trust

If you plant goodness, You will reap friends

If you plant humility, You will reap greatness

If you plant perseverance, You will reap victory

If you plant consideration, You will reap harmony

If you plant hard work, You will reap success

If you plant forgiveness, You will reap reconciliation

If you plant openness, You will reap intimacy

If you plant patience, You will reap improvements

If you plant faith, You will reap miracles


If you plant dishonesty, You will reap distrust.

If you plant selfishness, You will reap loneliness

If you plant pride, You will reap destruction

If you plant envy, You will reap trouble

If you plant laziness, You will reap stagnation.

If you plant bitterness, You will reap isolation

If you plant greed, You will reap loss

If you plant gossip, You will reap enemies

If you plant worries, You will reap wrinkles

If you plant sin, You will reap guilt

Friday, April 14, 2006


Men are four:
He who knows not and knows not he knows not,he is a fool - shun him;

He who knows not and knows he knows not,he is simple - teach him;

He who knows and knows not he knows,he is asleep - wake him;

He who knows and knows he knows,he is wise - follow him!!


Which one are u??;)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Look who's outta jail on bail!!

"When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport:
when the tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity."
George bernard

Well Salman Khan,we all know him, who was in a Jodhpur jail since early this week after being convicted of killing an endangered animal called chinkara, was freed on bail on Thursday.Salman, who was sentenced on Monday to five years in prison for poaching a rare buck in a desert wildlife preserve in 1998. Salman was granted bail on a personal bond of Rs 200,000 and two sureties of Rs 100,000 each.
Well after getting out of jail he said"It might take, even for the most hardened criminals, just three months or at the most six months to straighten-up."
He also said" i would like to send some television sets and get some bathrooms and toilets organised for the inmates of the jail. This is something I want to do and I will do it. This is the first thing I will do when I get back to Mumbai."

Interesting isn't it!!Well he looks pretty innocent .He says he is innocent but all the evidence go against him.But who knows what the real truth is.

We Will Not Retaliate!!

After the bomb blast during a prayer in karachi,which was a very very tragic incident,so many lives lost and after it so much destruction,the people are scared and feared of what's next. Who did it had no religion.They did it all to create chaos and unrest in the country.And they want to make us more and more weak.If we react to this situation in a violent manner we are going to make our enemies more and more strong!
Burning our buildings,burning the car and buses,breaking the street lights.What are we going to get out of all this??!!Nothing indeed.Only more and more disturbance in the country.At this point it is the responsiblity of the leaders to calm down their supporters ,instead of creating unrest they should be involved in peace process!If we really love our country and are sad about the incident and want to show our love and respect for those who have lost their live we should be more patient and tolerant.we shud tackle the situation in a more sensible manner.Showing our anger in this way is only making the aim of our enemies more and more strong and is making them successful.That is not something that any pakistani would want!!The attackers want more and more unrest and destruction in the country and we as Pakistanis should not fulfill their wishes!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The heartless mother!

Well i read this news in the newapaper today that a mother locked up her infant child of only 17 months and a 3 years old daughter in the car in a public park to go and freely meet her fiance.Well the police was called there and the kids were taken out of the car and the police along with the kids waited for the mother to return back.Well the mother was let off with a fine of only Dhs 3000 on her negligence.

WEll that is so wrong.I mean the lady was so easily let off with just a light fine of 3000 dhs.She literally endangered the life of her kids.What sort of mother is she.For her stupid tryst she locked up her kids in the car.Anything could have happened.She is such a heartless mother!!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Random thought!!!!!!!!!

" How can i say to the other person not to spend his/her money on something so useless and give it to help the poor.When i myself am spending a dhs200 on a branded watch ,whereas a dhs 50 watch wud do the same thing as a Dhs 200,i wud be an hypocrite if i say so!!."

Well i was thnking about this thing.Why?cuz i saw this news on tv that someone in lahore has a lioness as a pet.Well and that lioness eats wat 7 kgs of meat everyday.Well thts a lot of meat!!and 2 guards to protect it and i dont know wat not !! anywayz then somebody among my friends said that this anmial shud be in the zoo or in the jungle and the money the owners are spending on this animal can go to the poor.Everyday thousands of people die cuz of starvation.WEll she was right but then i thought it is so easy to tell the other person to do this thing but then when it comes to u to do it then its so very hard.

I mean i started off giving an example about the watch.Well all i mean by saying it is tht even such a small thing like a watch which a person can buy at a lower price but tht person chooses an expensive branded watch,that money can actually be used for a good purpose.that Dhs 150 can go to charity.There are so many such things in life.If we start thinking about it.We wud realize in so many numerous ways we can save tht money and help the poor.

Well i wudn't say i am very pious and alwayz do things to help the people and i dont buy expensive stuff.But then it was just something tht came to my mind and i realized tht whn life can very easily go on with spending lesser money why shud i spend so much to get something branded.JUst cuz it has a NAme.
But then everyone doesnt have same views about things.MAybe i cud be wrong but since i said its a random thought.So wat do u think readers! You can comment anything about this thought.I just want to get some views !:)

One more thing i still dont agree on keeping a ferocious animal like a LIONESS at home.Its a threat to the people living in the vicinity.!!!:D

Friday, April 07, 2006

I am posting the picture of the painting again since the last one was a bit blurred.This is one of my paintings! Its on a glass, painted it 2 years back.Well it basically depicts the last rulers of the Mughal dynasty according to the history.I exihibited it in my school exhibition.And the most exciting part was everyone loved the painting.A professional painter came up to one of my teacher and asked who painted it and said if that girl would like to have proffesion as an artist she has the potential and i can help her.Wow!! that was actually really encouraging.But since painting is my hobby so i like to keep it that way.Its fun to paint when ur free.:).But full time job i dont think so.I will post more of my paintings soon!!
Posted by Picasa

This is one of my paintings! Its on a glass, painted it 2 years back.Well it basically depicts the last rulers of the Mughal dynasty according to the history.I exihibited it in my school exhibition.And the most exciting part was everyone loved the painting.A professional painter came up to one of my teacher and asked who painted it and said if that girl would like to have proffesion as an artist she has the potential and i can help her.Wow!! that was actually really encouraging.But since painting is my hobby so i like to keep it that way.Its fun to paint when ur free.:).But full time job i dont think so.I will post more of my paintings soon!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 01, 2006

My perfect major!

You scored as Psychology. You should be a Psychology major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with QuizFarm.com

Well got this from "boo hoo" blog.Well that is really true result.Since i am pretty interested in psychology:)