I haven't posted for long time.To be honest i wasnt in the mood....Anyways i am outta tht mood and back to blogging world.i was reading the newspaper and came across the news tht phillipine has abolished its death penalty law.I started to wonder if death penalty is right or wrong.I have heard tht more than 125 countries have abolished its practice.And some 70 countries and terrotries are still using it.How brutal is it?i wonder if its right or not?Some of the criminals i feel shud be give death penalty.But will it be enough for what they have done?Shud they be given another chance?But then i think how inhumane act death penalty wud be,tht criminals and we will stoop down to to the same level.Well i am still not sure.everyone has thier own view about it.Some think its right while other don't.
Well here is a list of few countries and their ways of death penalty
beheading(Saudi Arabia,Iraq)
Eletrocution(United states)
Lethal injections(China,Guantemala,Thalinad,Phillippine,United States)
From today evening onwards till the whole month a rare celestial view will be seen in the sky.Mars,Mercury,Jupiter and Saturn will be in a line with moon and will be seen in different arrangements all thru the month.The remarkable thing about it is tht all four planets will be very close to the moon,a rare event and its going to be a spectacular view according to the the astrologists.So dont miss it!!